Ohio University's College of Business Unveils Commissioned Presidential and Alumna Portraits by the Ghanaian Artist Bright Kontor Osei.

Front view of Copeland Hall, College of Business, Athens, Ohio. © Image taken by Bright Kontor Osei

The College of Business at Ohio University commissioned me to create official portraits of the 22nd President of the School, Dr. Hugh Sherman, and alumna Madam Beatrice Selotlegeng to add to their permanent collection. I rendered the portraits with charcoal and graphite pencils on paper, subsequently mounting them in museum-quality frames. The unveiling ceremony occurred on the afternoon of April 28, 2023, in the Copeland Building lobby, where I was honored to see the university's President in attendance. Other notable attendees included Dr. Matthew Shaftel, Dean of the College of Fine Arts, Julie Dummermuth, Director of the School of Art + Design; Karla Hackenmiller, Associate Dean of the College of Fine Arts and Printmaking Professor; and Jackie Rees Ulmer, Dean of the College of Business and Professor of Information Systems. My mentor, David LaPalombara, Professor of Painting + Drawing, and students from various departments also attended, along with some of my closest campus friends, especially April, the manager at Nelson Dining Hall.

This event marked a significant milestone in my life, as it was my first institutional collection. As an artist, I am always thrilled to see my work in private collections, but it is even more special when institutions recognize my work. To me, this is a true legacy: knowing my works are in esteemed collections, and publicly displayed for people to enjoy daily. I pray for more opportunities like this and believe they will come by the grace of Jesus Christ. I am passionate about scholarship and art history and aspire to contribute meaningfully, not just as a student but as an active participant. As an immigrant from Ghana who traveled to the U.S. to study, it brings me immense joy to know that my work is now permanently displayed at the school. Even years after my graduation as a Master of Fine Arts, people who visit this university will know that I came to this school and contributed positively to its vibrant culture.

© Images courtesy of the artist Bright Kontor Osei

Bright Kontor Osei ready to unveil his drawings to the guests.

Osei stands with dignitaries, including the President, who attended as guests.

Installation view of Osei’s drawing of President Dr. Hugh Sherman and Beatrice Selotlegeng.

Installation view of Osei’s drawing of President Dr. Hugh Sherman and Beatrice Selotlegeng.

Work caption and metadata, including artist Bright Kontor Osei's name.

Work caption and metadata, including artist Bright Kontor Osei's name.

Work caption and metadata, including artist Bright Kontor Osei's name.


Kennedy Museum of Art Acquires Two Recent and Remarkable Paintings by Bright Kontor Osei for Its Permanent Collection, Marking a Historic First for the Ghanaian Artist.