Critiques constitute a crucial component of the assessment process within my studio art classes. I coordinate specific days dedicated to showcasing artworks from prior drawing sessions and projects, during which students engage in peer critique, offering feedback and constructive suggestions for further development. This deliberate approach underscores a collective commitment to the artistic advancement of each student, irrespective of their diverse backgrounds. As an instructor, these sessions serve as a platform for me to provide candid feedback and essential support for my students. Through these evaluations, I gauge students' responses to various techniques, processes, and the overarching goals of the class.
Students prepare for critiques featuring works that explore expanded drawing concepts.
Students help each other mount their work on the wall for critique.
Student diligently presents and defends work during critique.
Student diligently presents and defends work during critique.
Student diligently presents and defends work during critique.
Student diligently defends work in critique sessions.
Student diligently presents work in critique sessions.
Students engage in the examination of their peers' works, providing thoughtful and constructive feedback.
Students engage in the examination of their peers' works, providing thoughtful and constructive feedback.